Well Past Bizarre

This is the story of what I found a few days ago when I went into my basement to look for something located close to where I store my paint cans and buckets. This is what I saw…Now what in the hell is that I wondered and upon closer examination saw this….

Apparently a can without a cap had some leakage and morphed into an alien from outer space, or at least looks like what I always thought they might look like. You can still see the spray nozzle that was consumed to create bone and structure…

Note the oblong cranium which is a sure sign of an advanced being with superior intellect..

This head is as hard as a….head, and must have formed some time ago. Note the brain which is partially outside the skull. So far it has not chosen to communicate with me, even though I find myself sending it messages….including “please don’t hurt me.”

WHY ME! WHY ME! (should I sell it on ebay?)

© 2012 Michael Fiveson