60 thoughts on “Textured Barn

  1. An awesome photo. Texture of sky mirrored in block wall, clouds in patchy roof, sweep of wind in hay bales… you’ve outdone yourself. Kudos.
    Unusual barn…


  2. Another trademark sky…..but d’you know, that barn might be in decline, but your image doesn’t say abandoned, derelict, decaying, desperate to me….I think it’s those solid, symmetrical walls!


    • Yes, the barn will stand for a long time. It is quite stout and hopefully someone will make it whole again, before the roof caves in and it rots from the inside out.


      • Really. It is so much fun, but sad to see them go. I am hoping a cat was not involved in my story because the nest looks pretty bad. But the neighbor said he saw them out of the nest sitting on the branch beside it, so I assume they were good to go. I am a worrying kind of foster mom.


      • I am a worrier as well. I watched yesterday as the 2 two larger birds flew away. That left the smaller darker bird alone and I was super worried about him and as it was getting dark I was sitting in my yard hoping to see a parent come feed him and alas, one came along and did just that. I woke up today and went to take a look and the nest was empty.
        One of them had scrawled on the gutter…”Brooks was here”
        A movie reference…..tell me which movie and win some serious cash.


  3. Always love that dramatic sky Mike. The hay does indeed look helpless and sad. How about the walls…is that brick? A bit unusual in my rural experience.
    Any news on the birds?


    • Yes, kind of a tiled brick. The birds have flown off. I watched two of them do it last night and the smaller darker one remained in the nest and I continued to watch until I saw a parent come feed it. Then this morning, he too was gone. Good experience for me and today I cleaned up their small mess.
      May the winds be kind to these birds and may they know fully the joy of flight as well as parenting.


  4. Beautiful photograph Mike. We have a barn on the farm made of those identical concrete blocks. My studio on the farm is also made of them.


    • The nice square house next to the barn was totally empty. There are some hard economics here, in a rural landscape. The hay is returning to the earth.


  5. Ah, what texture. The building looks so hard and angular, contrasted wit the sky that is so smooth and soft. Another perfect shot!


    • It was also a perfect ride. I recently upgraded my camera and Judy (spouse and lover) got my old dslr and now we take jaunts together, which is great fun for both of us.
      Thanks, Emilio.


      • Great idea! I think my wife has a great eye and writes well but she doesn’t think so and won’t even try.


      • Judy won’t be blogging anytime soon and is instead keeping a kind of personal journal on a non published google site.


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