16 thoughts on “Pink Roses

    • I once had a lovely pond with koi that got big and fat. Then the racoons found my pond and the koi got very dead. That was frustrating and sad for me.
      But the roses are pretty and yes, pink. Thanks Pat.

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  1. Yep they look pink to me. Not being an expert on all shades in the pink range, these do look like a nice warm pink. Lighting from the sun different times of day can change hue though. Late day warms it up and shade cools it down. Those are very pretty flowers!!


    • Pleasing you pleases me, Lori.
      I am in the motorhome in South Dakota for a bit. Real pretty up here with healthy pine trees. Colorado’s high country has seen its pine trees devastated from the pine beetles. We are parked under some trees with an open field behind us. Late in the afternoon some real sweet deer amble down from higher terrain and graze.

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