54 thoughts on “My Sweet Pumpkin

  1. ❤ gorgeous Lady Punpkin! My Golden was 12 in July and we had to go and see the vet last week. I was all nerves, shaking. Now he gets painkillers for his knees, (arthritis) and we are smiling again.


    • Thank you so much. She is a beauty and even though she is struggling, she still gives with all her soul and I could not love her anymore than I do.
      This Friday I will have a 16 x 20 print of this picture hanging on my wall. Forever.

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  2. Happy birthday soon, Pumpkin. She looks like she has lost a bit of weight. I hope that is a good thing. I am whizzing through your posts, madly liking them all. I see them in my emails, so it isn’t as insincere as it looks! 😝


    • Pumpkin is hurting. What she has, officially, is spondylosis and hip dyspalcia. She is in a lot of pain and some days can hardly move. She is receiving acupunture and a blend of Chinese herbs. Not all of her days are bad, and she is still eating, but it is becoming quite dire.

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